What did Victor Hugo discover?

Follow in Victor Hugo's footsteps and discover seven remarkable French monuments that impacted his literary work and his politics: Mont-Saint-Michel, Notre-Dame de Paris, the Conciergerie, the July Column, the Column of the Grande Armée, the Arc de Triomphe and the Panthéon.

How did Victor Hugo Use romanticism?

Victor Hugo was an influential proponent of Romanticism. In a preface to his verse play Cromwell (1827), he called for a drama of action—which he saw as appropriate to modern man, the battleground of matter and spirit—that could transcend Classical categories and mix the sublime and the grotesque.

Was Victor Hugo a pacifist?

Hugo made several trips through Europe, where he was acclaimed as a genius. … He became a pacifist and an internationalist, proposed a United States of Europe, and noted that in England, “the British newspapers are starting to refer to me as 'the great, good man'”.

What was Victor Hugo personality?

Hugo, a strong-minded and independent personality, did not like the unstable existence of an army wife and in 1812 settled in Paris. Here her three sons, of whom Victor was the youngest, received their first orderly education.

What jobs did Victor Hugo have?

Victor Hugo was a French poet and novelist who, after training as a lawyer, embarked on the literary career. He became one of the most important French Romantic poets, novelists and dramatists of his time, having assembled a massive body of work while living in Paris, Brussels and the Channel Islands.

Was Victor Hugo a romantic?

More than any other French writer of the 19th century, Hugo associated himself with the Romantic Movement that swept through Europe and the rest of the world. It was a movement characterized by reliance on the imagination and subjectivity of approach, freedom of thought and expression, and an idealization of nature.

How long was Valjean imprisoned?

nineteen years Jean Valjean, after spending nineteen years in jail and in the galleys for stealing a loaf of bread to feed his starving family (and for several attempts to escape) is finally released, but his past keeps haunting him.