Where is Salvadora persica found?

Salvadora persica is native to the Arabian Peninsula, Africa, western Asia, the Middle East, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Although it is drought tolerant, toothbrush tree is often found where there is some ground water. It is also salt tolerant, growing along coasts or on saline soils.

What is persica seed used for?

It has potential medicinal and research activities. Salvadora persica is a promising product and is useful to produce antiplaque, analgesic, anticonvulsant, antibacterial, antimycotic, cytotoxic, antifertility, deobstruent, carminative, diuretic, astringent, and also used in biliousness, and rheumatism.

What is persica Salvadora seed?

Salvadora persica Linn., is known as miswak (tooth brush), belongs to the family Salvadoracea is a large, well-branched evergreen shrub or small tree having soft whitish yellow wood. The fresh leaves are eaten as salad and are used in traditional medicine for many diseases. … persica seeds is between 20% and 45%.

What type of tree is miswak?

The miswak (miswaak, siwak, sewak, Arabic: سواك or مسواك) is a teeth cleaning twig made from the Salvadora persica tree (known as arāk, أراك, in Arabic). It is reputed to have been used over 7,000 years ago.

Is miswak edible?

The fragrant flowers are small. The fruits are like fleshy berries; small and barely noticeable. They are edible in both fresh and dried form.

Can miswak replace toothbrush?

Shruthi studied the clinical effects of miswak as an adjunct to tooth brushing on gingivitis clearly and they find that the indication of miswak cannot replace the toothbrush, but can be used an adjunct to toothbrush, utilizing the mechanical efficacy of toothbrush and chemical effects of miswak.

What is the meaning of Salvadora?

Definition of Salvadora : a genus (the type of the family Salvadoraceae) of trees and shrubs of Africa and southern Asia having opposite leaves and small panicled flowers with a bell-shaped corolla — see toothbrush tree.