What does the cardiac plexus do?

The network of nerves supplying the heart is called the cardiac plexus. It receives contributions from the right and left vagus nerves, as well as contributions from the sympathetic trunk. These are responsible for influencing heart rate, cardiac output, and contraction forces of the heart.

What does the cardiac nerve plexus innervate?

The cardiac plexus is a plexus of nerves situated at the base of the heart that innervates the heart.

What makes up the cardiac plexus?

These are formed by the branches of the vagus nerves and sympathetic trunks that supply the thoracic viscera and blood vessels. The cardiac plexus may be considered as comprising inter-connected aortic arch, right and left coronary, and right and left atrial plexuses, all lying in adventitia or under epicardium.

What is the esophageal plexus?

Medical Definition of esophageal plexus : a nerve plexus formed by the branches of the vagus nerve which surround and supply the esophagus.

What is the innervation of a muscle?

The word innervate sounds like what it is — it means to “put the nerves into” something. When nerves go into muscle fiber, they innervate the muscle fiber. Innervate is to supply nerves to something, but it can also mean to energize.

What is an autonomic plexus?

autonomic plexus: Any of the extensive networks of nerve fibers and cell bodies associated with the autonomic nervous system that are found in the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis, and that contain sympathetic, parasympathetic, and visceral afferent fibers.

Does the phrenic nerve innervate the heart?

From its origin in the neck, the nerve travels downward into the chest to pass between the heart and lungs towards the diaphragm….

Phrenic nerve
Latinnervus phrenicus