Who is Juan and Evita Peron?

María Eva Duarte de Perón was the wife of Argentine President Juan Perón and first lady of Argentina from 1946 until her death in 1952. She is usually referred to as Eva or Evita. Perón was born May 7, 1919, in the village of Los Toldos, Argentina, the youngest of five children.

Who is Evita Peron and why is she famous?

As the second wife of Argentine Pres. Juan Perón, Eva became a powerful, though unofficial, political leader. She was revered by the lower economic classes and helped enact a number of reforms and policies to their benefit. She also helped bring about the passage of Argentina's women's suffrage law.

Was Evita a Peron president?

Juan Perón was elected President of Argentina in June 1946; during the next six years, Eva Perón became powerful within the pro-Peronist trade unions, primarily for speaking on behalf of labor rights….Eva Perón.

Spiritual Leader of the Nation Eva Perón
Parent(s)Juan Duarte (father) Juana Ibarguren (mother)

Why was Eva Perón called Evita?

She is often referred to by the Spanish language diminutive Evita, which translates into English as "Little Eva". … The nation's military, elite, and Juan Perón himself all opposed and ultimately prevented Evita's candidacy. In 1952, Evita was given the official title of "Spiritual Leader of the Nation".

What is the meaning of Peron?

an enlisted man or woman who serves in an army.

Who ruled Argentina after Peron?

Isabel Perón

Juan Perón
Vice PresidentIsabel Perón
Preceded byRaúl Lastiri
Succeeded byIsabel Perón
In office 4 June 1946 – 21 September 1955

Is Evita a true story?

Drama based on the life of Eva Peron, an obscure actress, who rose to become wife of Argentine strong-man President Juan Peron and one of the most powerful figures in Argentina until her death in 1952 at age 33. Argentina's own image of Evita.