What are the Group 5 cations?

Group 5 cations are magnesium (II) Mg2+, potassium (I) K+ and sodium (I) Na+. These cations do not react with hydrochloric acid HCl, hydrogen sulphide H2S, ammonium sulphide and ammonium carbonate (NH4)2CO3.

What are groups in salt analysis?

Step-by-Step Process for Salt Analysis Anions and cations are classified into groups that share the same group reagent and therefore, have similar preliminary tests.

What is the principle of salt analysis?

The salt analysis for anions involves carrying out preliminary tests and group-wise to find the salt's anion. If the test yields positive results, a confirmatory test needs to be carried out in order to confirm if the anion is present or not in the salt.

How can you identify a salt?

There is a certain basic procedure to identify a salt that can be followed.

  1. Look at the Appearance of the Compound.
  2. Check the Effect of Heating.
  3. Conduct a Flame Test.
  4. Test Its Reaction with Hydrochloric Acid.
  5. Note Its Solubility in Water.
  6. Sieve analysis.
  7. Moisture analysis.


Why is group 5 referred to as the soluble group?

The salts of the cations of group V, with few exceptions, are quite soluble, this accounts for the fact that there is no common precipitating reagent for the group. – This group is called "Soluble Group" because its cations remain soluble throughout the whole scheme of separation.

What is the group reagent of group 5?

Ammonium sulphide is used for testing 5th group cations.

What is the group reagent for Group 5?

Ammonium sulphide is used for testing 5th group cations.