Why are they called drag queens?

The term originated as British theater slang in the 19th century and was used to describe women's clothing worn by men. Today, many prominent drag artists are still people who identify as men and present themselves in exaggeratedly feminine ways as part of their performance, and are known as drag queens.

What does drag stand for?

Dressed Resembling A Girl D.R.A.G. An acronym for "Dressed Resembling A Girl", from which the term "Drag" is said to ostensibly originate. The term is said to date back to Shakespearean times when male theatrical actors would play female roles.

What is the point of drag?

Drag is a gender-bending art form in which a person dresses in clothing and makeup meant to exaggerate a specific gender identity, usually of the opposite sex. While drag's main purpose has been for drag performance and entertainment, it is also used as self-expression and a celebration of LGBTQ+ pride.

What happens at a drag show?

A drag show is a form of entertainment performed by drag artists impersonating men or women. Typically, a drag show involves performers singing or lip-synching to songs while performing a pre-planned pantomime or dancing. There might also be some comedy, skits, and audience interaction.

Can a girl be a drag queen?

A drag queen is a person, usually male, who uses drag clothing and makeup to imitate and often exaggerate female gender signifiers and gender roles for entertainment purposes. In modern times, drag queens are associated with gay men and gay culture, but they can be of any gender and sexual identity.

What does cisgender mean?

Most people who are assigned female at birth identify as girls or women, and most people who are assigned male at birth identify as boys or men. These people are cisgender (or cis).

Can a girl become a drag queen?

The term "faux queen" is rejected and considered outdated by many drag artists for implying that female drag queens are not as "real" as cisgender male drag queens, and the terms "bio queen" and "female queen" are considered by many performers to be transphobic as they imply that a transgender (MTF) woman who performs …